GB 'Paul's coaching and my introduction to swimming sub threshold sets has now seen me drop under 5 minutes for 400m. Looking forward to the next 1500m lake swim...'
RV 'Good pool swim session this morning getting a PB by over 1 minute on 1500m! Thanks Paul, high elbow, short entry, rotating the hip and relaxed. Felt Goooood'
SW 'At last ithink I can get around a 70.3 lake swim: nerves managed and proper progress, thanks to Paul for his incisive and calming coaching'
DB 'I can now see the areas for improvement and how swimming the Swimwerkx way is a great transition on from total immersion, that was elegant and slow, this is elegant and fast! '
BCC 'Great session in the pool tonight with a great teacher. Maximum respect to Paul for his time and effort. Us old dogs CAN & will learn old tricks (I promise). Thank you! '
NM 'You’ve made such a difference to Em’s swimming, she was 4th out of the water in her second race last week, something she’d never have believed possible a few short weeks ago, she’s loving swimming and can’t wait for her open water swim tomorrow, can’t get her out of the water now!'
MH 'I earnt more in 15 minutes from Paul than in the last 10 years swim coaching…now all I’ve got to do is unlearn all the bad habits….brilliant!'
MV 'I did a good swim Saturday in 38 minutes and it felt really slow and controlled. Just wanted to let you know that the sessions have made a real difference, I’m more relaxed and confident in the water' (she swam sub 35m for2k in the race!) '
EW 'Oh dear - thoroughly enjoyed my first session in open water, even if I did look like Swamp Thing. Awesome. Thank you so much, Paul. Sure I'll see you again!
JP 'Just a message of huge thanks, I went away and worked on the technique you taught me. I have found that I'm able to swim 1600m in sets comprising different distances and recovery times, beginning to feel like a swimmer! '
SM ' From 16 and a half minutes for 750m when I started with Paul down to my fastest swim yet in 10:56 at the European qualifier last week, and in under a year, I'm made up!'
HW 'I was over 4mins quicker swimming 1500 than I was last year, same again for next year please'
CL 'Down from just over 10 minutes to 7:40 for tonight's 400m time trial, I'm coming for you Mr G!'
MW 'A great morning at the Water Leisure park Open water swim. Good to see everyone, a big thanks to Paul Gardner for giving his time and experience in a well coached open water session. See you next week'
VB 'Paul Gardner this is especially for you - I did 200m swim in 3.53 tonight, first time in 5 years I'm under the 4 min mark. Thanks for all the coaching and encouragement!!!'
HJW 'Thanks for all the swim training I was 7th out of the water, 2nd overall and 1st in my age group thanks coach
HJW Thankyou so much for the swim coaching tonight I learnt more tonight then ever before, feeling so great and confident about swimming right now! I'm going to practice swimming so so much until I'm a pro now I know how to!
LS 'Just want to say a big thank you for helping me last year, getting me in the water and spending time teaching me the basics. If it wasn't for you I don't think I would have managed my first tri today. With more training I will get to where I want to be. Thanks again '
CW 'Finished!! Had a really great swim (and enjoyed the bike but the run was painful - all in all it went well though). A MASSIVE thank you to Paul Gardner and I’m telling everyone how brilliant you are! '